Some of us may drink coffee for a boost in energy, others may drink it for its flavor, and many drink it for both.
But how does coffee benefit our body?
In this blog we will go over...
- How coffee prolongs life
- How coffee invigorates and tones the body
- How coffee helps prevent diabetes
- How coffee helps our liver
- How coffee helps cancer prevention
- How coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases by 60%
- Other useful properties of coffee
- Suggested daily caffeine intake
- Harms and contraindications of coffee
- Signs of caffeine overdose

Every year, research finds more benefits to the consumption of coffee. Yet, this does not mean to drink excessive amounts of caffeine. Studies limit caffeine consumption to 2-3 cups of coffee per day.
So what are some benefits?
Prolongs life
Numerous studies prove that regular moderate consumption of the drink improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Scientists suggest that a temporary increase in pressure as a result of drinking coffee trains the circulatory system. Thus, the drink prolongs the life of men and women.
Invigorates and tones
-Invigorates, relieves fatigue, improves memory
Although, if you look into it, then everything is a little more complicated than it seems. The mechanism of its action is due to the fact that it does not give a surge of strength, but simply prevents you from feeling tired. The brain has to use its inviolable reserves of energy. When the effect of caffeine passes, a person is immediately covered by a wave of strong accumulated fatigue. Nevertheless, we can improve concentration and attention for a while with the help of a drink. Just after that, you need to give yourself the opportunity to rest.
Prevention of diabetes
Liver help
Natural hepatoprotector. It is extremely useful for the liver, especially if there are already any disorders (it does not replace treatment). It has been proven to protect against the transition of cirrhosis to cancer.
Cancer prevention
Scientists' assumptions that coffee can cause cancer have not been confirmed. Modern studies, on the contrary, confirm that it reduces the risks of prostate cancer, uterine endometrium, liver and some other organs. Research in this direction continues.
Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases by 60%
Observations have shown that Parkinson's disease is much less common in coffee lovers. In the case of Alzheimer's, it prevents the appearance of pathological proteins that replace normal tissue in the brain. Similarly, the drink prevents the onset of senile dementia.
Other useful properties
It has a mild diuretic effect, but with regular use, the effect may weaken. Stimulates the work of the intestines. Reduces the level of uric acid, which is useful for gout. Slows down the formation of stones in cholelithiasis. It is rich in antioxidants. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Daily coffee allowance
Doctors recommend up to 400 mg of caffeine per day. Remember that caffeine is also found in energy drinks, cola, tea, cocoa and chocolate. It is impossible to say exactly how much caffeine is contained in a cup of coffee. The grade, dosage, pretreatment, and brewing method are important here. Therefore, it is only possible to estimate its quantity approximately. A serving of cappuccino (300 ml) contains approximately 100 mg of caffeine. Americano (300 ml) - 160 mg. Filter coffee (300 ml) - 150 mg. Espresso (100 ml) - 200 mg. Instant coffee (1 tsp dry powder) - 40-60 mg. Therefore, do not consume more than 3-4 cups (150 ml each) of the drink per day. It was this amount of research that allowed us to get the maximum benefit. Excessive consumption can already have a negative effect on the body.
Harm and contraindications of coffee
In some cases, there may be a negative impact on health and well-being: Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and shallow sleep. The reason for this is caffeine. Therefore, doctors advise to exclude all its sources after 16 hours. Heartburn. It occurs more often from soluble, from natural in grains extremely rarely. If this is your case, try drinking grain. Tannins contained in coffee can interfere with the absorption of iron. Therefore, it is advisable to separate the intake of iron-rich foods and caffeinated beverages. With hypersensitivity to caffeine, prolonged pressure increase, anxiety, sleep problems are possible. It is better for such people to limit themselves to a maximum of 1 cup, or exclude it altogether.
Signs of caffeine overdose